The present status of animal and fish production system and the various integration of duck, chicken, goat, rice with fish production systems in Bangladesh are reviewed with emphasis on traditional approach and present efforts of the production systems. Maximum average fish yield of 5.68 tons/ha/year was attained with manure fertilizer which was 5–7 times higher than normal fish production. Economic analysis included duck-fish, chicken-fish, broiler-fish and rice-fish production systems.
In a country like Bangladesh where land is scarce, effort should be taken to increase production through integration of various production systemlike animal-cum-fish or rice-cum-fish culture for efficient utilization of available meagre resources and maximisation of production of diversified products, from a minimum area, which will increase the income of the farmers and would enhance food production. A multi-commodity farming system presents more advantages to a mono-cropping system. But the commodity-integration must fit into the particular farmer's capability, resources and need as well as the social, economic and environmental factors around him.
The traditional mixed farming systems have been existing in Bangladesh with crop based subsistance economy. Although the crop sub-system is dominant but the other sub-systems like household, animal, fish pond and orchards are integrated and interdependent. The household provides labour and management, crop provides food and feed, animal provides milk, meat, power, manure and capital, fish pond provides food and irrigation and orchards provides fire wood and fruits.
Farmers of Bangladesh have been practicing fish culture in a traditional way in pond/tank, lakes, streams, canals or water reservoirs for a long time and are also rearing ducks under extensively. The ducks are mainly dependent on organisms of water origin like snails, oysters, algae, small fishes ect. and homestead waste to meat their daily feed requirement (Huque, 1991). A large number of small-scale farmers raised relatively few free ranging ducks that foraged for most or all of thier feed. Sometimes the farmers provide supplementary feed to the ducks.
Integrated poultry-cum-fish production systems in Bangladesh is a successful operation. Although the egg production is low in Bangladesh context, the total returns are higher compared to the raising duck or fish alone due to high feed cost. The integrated production system can be divided into five subsystem: (i) Duck-cum-fish, (ii) Layer-cum-fish, (iii) Broiler-cum-fish, (iv) Ruminant (goat)-cum-fish (v) Rice-cum-fish farming.
Duck-cum-fish integrated farming system has been introduced in Bangladesh by Fisheries Research Institute in 1986, who refined this technology in Bangladesh perspective through a number of production trials. The ponds were stocked with carp fingerlings at a density of 7500 fingerlings/ha and Khaki Campbell ducks were reared over the experimental pond, at 200, 400 and 500 duck/ha. Average production of fish was 1.82, 3.15 and 4.50 tons/ha/year with the density of 200, 400 and 500 ducks/ha respectively as compared to 0.49 tons/ha from control pond. The average egg production of Khaki Campbell duck was 240 eggs/ducks/year of local ducks. After several trial it has been found that the average fish yield of 5.68 tons/ha/year from duck-fish experiment. This yield was 5–7 times higher than the normal fish production (Nuruzzaman, 1991). Jhingran and Sharma (1980) reported that the fish yield was 4.32 tons/ha/year in duck-fish farming in India. The amount of fish produced in Bangladesh under integrated duck-cumfish farming (5.68 tons/ha/year) is a very prospective fish production practice where fish fingerlings rate was at the rate of 6000/ha with 30,10,25,5 and 5 percent of silver carp, catla, rohu, mrigal, grass carp and mirror carp respectively. A comparative study of fish production in on-station and on-farm ponds of integrated duck-cum-fish farming showed 5.68 and 5.64 tons/ha/year respectively (Uddin, 1990). In another study at Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute with three type of duck breeds for selecting duck breed for the integrated system, average fish yield was 3.22 tons/ha in a period of 4 month culture of fish raising (Huque and Ebadul, 1991). A detail of input costs and return for a years' production of fishduck farming system showed the net profit was Tk. 1,92,068.00 (Nuruzzaman, 1991).
Bismark Bangali
BSC in Agrotechnology
Khulna University.
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